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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: 36% | Distinguished Reading: 22% | Proficient Math: 34% | Distinguished Math: 18%


The Southern Cheer Head Coach is Mr. Christopher Aker.

If you would like any information about cheer, please contact him through the Southern Braves Cheer FB page. 

Cheer will start practicing on Monday July 19, 2021.

Southern Cheer is currently looking for Assistant Coaches to help with all the teams. Please contact Chris Aker if you are interested. 


Southern cheer had three teams.

PeeWee: Preschool, Kindergarten and First grade. (Preschool students cannot compete)

Junior: Second and Third grade.

Senior: Fourth and Sixth grade. 

Registration fee is $50.00.

Girls and boys can sign up to join the Southern Cheer team any night that they are at the football field behind SES.

Conditioning/ practice is 3 days a week. 

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6 pm - 8 pm.


Facebook page: