School Attendance means Life Success....... |
Students will be limited to ten (10) days for doctor's excuses for the school year. When a child misses school due to illness or Dr. / Dentist appointments, make sure you send an excuse; parent note or Dr./ Dentist statement within five (5) days of returning to school. Notes turned in after five (5) days will not be accepted. Any student, including students between the ages of 18-21, who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) or more times, whether it is for a partial day or full day, is a truant. Any child who has been reported as a truant two (2) or more times within one calendar year period is a habitual truant. Any student considered habitually truant (six or more unexcused absences or tardies) must be referred to the Director of Pupil Personnel, the District Truant Officer, and/or other applicable agencies as required or allowed by Kentucky Revised Statue, Board, and/or Council Policy. Truancy, by Kentucky Revised Statute, must be reported to Juvenile Services and/or other applicable agencies and the student and/or parents may be referred to court. The Principal/designee must notify parents or students with excessive absenteeism in a prompt and timely manner and school-parent conferences must be held to determine the causes of the absenteeism. Documentation of meetings/home visits shall be kept by the school. Here are some suggestions to develop a positive attitude, productive school experiences and good attendance:
Proficient Reading: 36% | Distinguished Reading: 22% | Proficient Math: 34% | Distinguished Math: 18%