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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: 36% | Distinguished Reading: 22% | Proficient Math: 34% | Distinguished Math: 18%

Enrollment requirements for Southern Elementary


School Enrollment Requirements

When enrolling your child at Southern Elementary, we ask that you, as a parent, bring the following paperwork at the time of registration.

These documents are required to be on file for every student under Kentucky State Law for the protection of the physical well-being and safety of your child(ren).  

√ Kentucky Immunization Certificate – our school nurse can make a KY Certificate from the current certificate that you have, only when shots are current/ valid and the certificate is signed by a physician. If your child needs more immunizations, this has to be done before your child can start school. 

Please be aware that KY State Law requires ALL students to have been immunized for Hepatitis A. This is a series of 2 (two) shots.  An immunization record without the Hepatitis A, will be considered invalid. 

√ Kentucky Physical/ Health Exam - can be completed up to 1 yr. prior to the start of the new school year. Form available at school or online, click link below:

Kentucky Eye Exam - This exam must be completed by an Optometrist, form available at school or online, click link below:

√ Kentucky Dental Screening - You must use a specific form, available at school or online, click link below

√ Birth Certificate - A copy of the birth certificate is required, a verification of birth is not compliant. 

​√ Social Security Card copy

√ Custody Papers - if applicable, we need custody papers on file.

√ Proof of Residency - We will need a copy of a current utility bill  or a rental/ lease agreement with your name and address listed.


Beginning of the School year paperwork

Pulaski County Schools; EDUCATION TAKES EVERYONE: Title 1 Contract

Southern Elementary School; Student/Teacher/Parent Contract

/userfiles/900/my files/educationtakeseveryone.pdf?id=2958


Permission Form for Prescribed Medication

/userfiles/900/my files/permission form for prescribed medication.pdf?id=2953