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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: 36% | Distinguished Reading: 22% | Proficient Math: 34% | Distinguished Math: 18%

Family Resource Center

The Southern Elementary Family Resource Center

198 Enterprise Drive

Somerset, KY 42501

(606) 677 - 0229

The center is open Monday - Friday from 7:30 am- 4:30 pm, during the school year.  During the summer break opening times are from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. 

The Southern Elementary center was established in 1994 a part of KERA. 

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers were created as part of the Kentucky Reform Act (KERA) of 1990 as a means to unite the education system with human service systems in Kentucky.  The Family Resource Center is another way to ensure that services are provided that enhance students’ ability to succeed in school.  Parents and teachers agree that it is extremely difficult for children to be successful in school when they are distracted by problems in their home environment.  The FRC has been established to assist our children and their families in solving these problems by providing direct services or by linking families with other resources in the surrounding community.

Who can participate in services at the Family Resource Center?

The center is available at no cost to all children, parents, and families with students who attend Southern Elementary School.

Who operates the Family Resource Center?

The Family Resource Center is ran by a full time coordinator who works year round and an assistant coordinator who works while school is in session, to oversee the center’s daily activities.  An Advisory Council made up of parents, community leaders, and school personnel provide input into the center’s operation and action component work plans.


 Mr. Jabriel Siler, Center Coordinator.  Email:   

 Mrs. Irma Ashley, Assistant Coordinator.  Email:

How is the FRC funded?

The Family Resource Center is funded through a collaborative effort between the Cabinet for Families and Children and the Kentucky Department of Education.  The funding amount is based yearly on the school’s free and reduced school meal count.  Therefor it is important for every family to complete a Household Income/ Meal Benefit application every year.

Services provided by the FRC

The Family Resource Center operates on 6 action components that are state mandated (KRS 156.496).  These components are work plans for the operation of the FRC, and are reviewed annually by the FRC Advisory Council and state FRYSC office. 

Below is a list of the action components and work plan activities and services provided by the Southern Elementary Family Resource Center.

                     Families in Training

  • Full time Parents As Teachers (PAT) Educator to do home visits and provide educational materials to parents of children ages birth -5 years. This program will help children and parents for school readiness.

                      Family Literacy

  • Refer parents seeking their GED to the Pulaski County Adult Learning Center.
  • Provide and promote family literacy opportunities in the area.

        After School Child Care

  • On-site after school child care program.
  • Provide information to parents on programs available during school breaks.

                     Preschool Child Care

  • Refer to local child care providers for ages 2 & 3.
  • Refer for child care payment assistance.
  • Provide information and support for the Southern Elementary Preschool program located at Memorial Education Center.
  • Collaborate with the Lake Cumberland Early Childhood Council for continued services.

                     Health Services

  • On-site nursing services by Registered nurse 5 days per week.
  • Referrals for mental health and medical services.
  • Mental Health/counseling services confidentially on site.
  • On-site Mental Health Services staff.
  • Puberty and Hygiene classes
  • Collaborate with local dentist for dental care. 
  • Provide Red Ribbon Week/anti-drug abuse campaign activities.
  • Collaborate for small groups and parent workshops on topics such as: Internet Safety, Nutrition and Wellness, Grief counseling, Bullying prevention, Anger management, etc.
  • Assistance with KCHIP, Medicaid applications, managed care providers, and other insurances.

                       Educational Support

  • Conduct home visits and phone calls to bridge the gap between home and school.
  • Collaborate and assist in back to school event: Back to School Extravaganza.
  • Promote parent and community involvement in school.
  • Volunteer coordinator and provide the confidentiality training.
  • Provide help with and information on Online Enrollment to parents and guardians. 
  • Collaborate to provide Open House and Parent/ Teacher conferences.
  • Provide the Relatives as Parents Support Group that meets monthly for those grandparents or relatives raising grandchildren/ child family members.
  • Incoming Kindergarten students transition visits.
  • 5th Grade tours to Southern Middle School.
  • 6th Grade Transition days at Southern Middle School.
  • Participate in Family Literacy Nights.
  • Assist in the Ring the Literacy Bell program.
  • Assist in Gifted and Talented activities.
  • Participate in Summer Feeding Programs during June and July.
  • Provide the Back Pack Feeding Program in collaboration with Project 58:10.
  • Host the annual Feud for Food drive.
  • Referrals to local food banks for food assistance.
  • Implement the Character Education Program; Braves Cards program.
  • Provide on-site basic needs assistance for students.
  • Referrals to community resources for emergency assistance, utilities and other basic needs.
  • Referrals to Mental Health Service providers.
  • Collaborate with our On-site Mental Health Staff.
  • Provide school supplies to students.
  • Provide the annual Field Day for all students.
  • Address truancy concerns.
  • Collaborate and assist with motivational assemblies encouraging good attendance, positive behavior and academic success and student recognition.